- Güneş, T. (2023). Model Agnostic Interpretable Machine Learning for Residential Property Valuation, Survey Review, 2023, 1-16. (
- Grover, R., Walacik, M., Buzu, O., Gunes, T., Raskovic, M., Yildiz, U. (2019). “Barriers to the use of property taxation in municipal finance”, Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, Vol. 24 No. 2, pp. 166-183. (
- Güneş, T. and Yıldız, Ü. (2016). “Property Valuation and Taxation for Improving Local Governance in Turkey”, Land Tenure Journal, FAO & World Bank Group, (
Publications in National Referred Journals1
- Güneş, T. and Apaydın, A. (2024). “Prepayment and default risks of mortgage-backed security collateral pools”, Ege Academic Review (ESCI), Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 21-42.
- Güneş, G., Güneş, T., and Güneş, S. (2023). The Impact of Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes on Real Estate Related Sectors, Kafkas University Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences Faculty (Econlit), Vol. 14, No. 28, pp. 789-811.
- Güneş, T., and Apaydın, A. (2022). “Spatial heterogeneity in housing Market: Ankara metropolitan area”, Erciyes University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (Econlit), (63), 9-15.
- Güneş, T., and Apaydın, A. (2021). “Mortgage volume and macroeconomic factors: Evidence from Turkey”, Business and Management Studies: An International Journal (Econlit), 9(4), 1504–1520.
Book Chapters
- Ulusoy, G., Hatipoğlu, Ü., Uisso, A. M. and Güneş, T. (forthcoming). Real estate investments options and strategies, in Understanding Turkish Real Estate Market, edited by Tobias Just and Harun Tanrıvermiş, Springer.
- Sevgen, S. C., Güneş, T. and Ülger, M. (forthcoming). Facts and figures of real estate in Turkey: Data sources and institutional framework, in Understanding Turkish Real Estate Market, edited by Tobias Just and Harun Tanrıvermiş, Springer.
Works in Progress list can be found here.
- as required by the Council of Higher Education for Associate Professorship in Türkiye. ↩︎